One-Hour Trainings
We provide one-hour didactic trainings on a wide range of clinical and integration topics. The list of topics is shown on this page. Typically these are provided virtually, live, though we can also record a training for systems to view asynchronously.

Each webinar is designed to last one hour (unless otherwise indicated), including 5-10 minutes for discussion. The talks on clinical topics typically cover the epidemiology of the problem, strategies for identifying it in primary care, basics of medication treatments and an overview of behavioral interventions that can be used by a BHC. Most include at least one case example and many include links to materials that augment the slide content, such as websites, readings and clinical tools. Strategies a BHC can use to improve whole-team care are also commonly included.
ADHD in Children and Adults: The ABCs for BHCs
ADHD in Adults: The BHC Role
Adults with Developmental Disabilities: Strategies for a BHC
Anxiety in Adults
Managing Autism in Primary Care
Bipolar Disorder in Adults
Chronic Pain in Primary Care: An Overview and Keys to Success
The BHC’s Guide to Anxiety and Depression Medication
Controlled Substances in Primary Care: The Issues, Challenges and Management Strategies
Depression in Adults
Depression in Older Adults
Diabetes: What a BHC Needs to Know
Managing Eating Disorders in Primary Care
Treating Erectile Dysfunction in Primary Care
Managing Grief in Primary Care
Headaches Basics for BHCs
How to Avoid Weight Stigma and Promote Healthy Eating and Activity in Adults
Hypertension: What a BHC Needs to Know
Treating Insomnia in Primary Care: An Overview and Keys to Success
Detecting and Managing Intimate Partner Violence in Primary Care
Older Adults in Primary Care
The BHC Role with Schizophrenia
Tobacco/Nicotine Cessation in Primary Care: Basic Issues and Strategies for Adults
Human Trafficking Screening and Intervention in Primary Care
Motivational Interviewing for BHCs
General Pediatrics Strategies for BHCs
PCBH for Pediatrics: The Why and the How
Pediatric Obesity: Non-Stigmatizing Strategies for Helping Children with Higher Weight
The BHC Role in Helping Children with Needle Anxiety
Pediatric Pain: ABCs for BHCs
Providing Help for Pediatric Sleep Disorders
Pediatric Sleep and Toileting Problems: An Overview of Behavioral Interventions
Pediatric Tobacco Cessation: Basic Issues and Strategies
Diabetes in Pediatrics
Primary Care Behavioral Health: The Why and the How
Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) Model
Documentation and Follow-Up Visits in the PCBH Model
Group Offerings in Primary Care
Managing Complex Patients as a BHC
Anatomy of a Brief Visit
Population Health: What Is It and What Does It Mean For a BHC?
Understanding the Self-Management Approach
Telehealth and the PCBH Model
Making Warm Handoffs (and Same-Day Visits) Work
Motivational Interviewing and the 15-Minute Visit
Making the Most of Your Behavioral Health Consultant (30-120 minutes)