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PCBH Model Essentials


  1. Primary Care Behavioral Health:  The Why and the How

    • Explains the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model, including the rationale for the model, its structure, and tips for implementation success.​

  2. Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) Model

    • Explains the ethically challenging situations that commonly arise for behavioral health providers in primary care. Provides case examples that demonstrate how to maintain ethical practice in these situations.​

  3. Documentation and Follow-Up Visits in the PCBH Model

    • Outlines the structure of follow-up visits in the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model. Details the content of chart notes for both initial and follow-up visits of behavioral health providers in this model. Explains when and how to refer patients to specialty mental health.​

  4. Group Offerings in Primary Care

    • Reviews the various ways that classes and groups can be accomplished in primary care for a wide range of behavioral health concerns. Provides details on how to select a topic, plan the offering and implement it successfully.​

  5. Managing Complex Patients as a BHC

    • BHCs often run into challenges and questions related to helping patients with complex presentations in primary care. This talk will help BHCs develop both the mindset and the strategies to enable value-added work with complexity.​

  6. Anatomy of a Brief Visit

    • Outlines the structure of a 30-minute behavioral health visit in primary care, and details how to complete each component​

  7. Population Health:  What Is It and What Does It Mean For a BHC?

    • The PCBH model is rooted in population health principles. This webinar explains what that means, and how it plays out in the everyday practice of a BHC.​

  8. Understanding the Self-Management Approach

    • BHCs use a self-management, rather than a traditional therapy, approach to helping patients change. This webinar explains what a self-management approach is, how to use it, and how it differs from traditional therapy.​

  9. Telehealth and the PCBH Model

    • Reviews the basics of using telehealth as a BHC, including the best use-case scenarios, helpful practice behaviors and workflow modifications, and a brief review of the telehealth evidence base.​

  10. Making Warm Handoffs (and Same-Day Visits) Work

    • Discusses the rationale for making warm handoffs and same-day visits the default means of engaging BHCs with patients. Reviews the roles of various team members in the handoff process and strategies for conducting the most effective handoffs.​




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