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Pediatric Clinical Topics


  1. General Pediatrics Strategies for BHCs

    • Details general behavioral strategies commonly used in primary care to intervene with a wide range of pediatric behavioral concerns. Reviews behavioral screening tools and practices for use with pediatric patients in primary care. Discusses how to structure visits with and without parents.​

  2. PCBH for Pediatrics:  The Why and the How

    • Explains the Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model, with a focus on the rationale for the model’s use with a pediatric population, its structure, and tips for implementation success. Includes behavioral interventions commonly used in pediatrics.​

  3. Pediatric Obesity:  Non-Stigmatizing Strategies for Helping Children with Higher Weight

    • Explains weight stigma and the health effects it can have, then details behavioral interventions a BHC can use to help their pediatric patients develop healthy lifestyles. Includes an overview of the revolutionary 2022 American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines for obesity.​

  4. The BHC Role in Helping Children with Needle Anxiety

    • Explains the importance of addressing needle anxiety in pediatric patients, when to help as a BHC (and when not to), and strategies that a BHC can use to help during a medical visit. Also reviews self-management strategies a BHC can teach patients to use outside of clinic visits.​

  5. Pediatric Pain:  ABCs for BHCs

    • Describes the most common pain presentations in pediatric primary care, then details how to do a functional analysis of pain complaints and develop corresponding behavioral interventions for use with both parents and children.​

  6. Providing Help for Pediatric Sleep Disorders

    • Reviews the different types of pediatric sleep disorders, their causes and common interventions, with a particular focus on behavioral interventions a BHC can utilize with patients and their parents.​

  7. Pediatric Sleep and Toileting Problems:  An Overview of Behavioral Interventions

    • Covering enuresis, encopresis and the most common sleep problems affecting pediatric patients, this webinar gives basic background for each problem as well as behavioral interventions a BHC can utilize.​

  8. Pediatric Tobacco Cessation: Basic Issues and Strategies

    • Describes the epidemiology of tobacco/nicotine use (with an emphasis on vaping and e-cigarettes) in children and adolescents. Details both behavioral and medication interventions commonly used in primary care for tobacco and nicotine cessation in pediatric patients.​

  9. Diabetes in Pediatrics

    • Provides information about the basic medical aspects of diabetes and the ways a BHC can help pediatric patients and their parents manage and cope with diabetes. This talk covers more about Type 1 diabetes compared to the diabetes talk for adults, given that Type 1 is more common in pediatric patients.​



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